I just love the look she's giving me (she was having a crazy-hair day!)
Jeffy looks so concerned!
My little angels! I tamed Jozlynn's hair ala the "Mom" thing, licking my fingers and smoothing it down. Ha!
The babies are getting much more mobile, and love to roll around on the floor. When laying on their backs, they are both able to flip over to their stomachs. This doesn't usually last for long because they don't like to be on their stomachs! The past couple nights I've woken to the sound of Jozlynn fussing, I look at my video monitor only to find that she's flipped herself over in her crib and she's mad about it. It's too funny! I flip her back over, give her a pacifier and she goes back to sleep. Although, one night she flipped about 4 times - every 10-15 minutes or so. That was a little exhausting because I was constantly checking on her (and getting up to flip her back over!)
The past 3 nights we've made great strides in the sleep department. Knock on wood, both babies have been sleeping from 9pm to 7am. Last night they actually slept from 9pm to 7:45am! But I think it was because they were worn out from the Thanksgiving activities :)
Speaking of Thanksgiving, I was a little concerned about them getting cranky since we planned to be out almost all day. We went to Jeff's parents' house around noon, then onto my aunt and uncle's house around 4:30pm. Jozlynn took a mini nap at Jeff's parents' house and both babies slept in the car on the way to my aunt and uncle's (40 min drive). Much to my delight, both babies were absolutely perfect at both places! They didn't fuss at all!! Our family members kept commenting on how good they were being, and didn't believe me when I said they usually don't do so well without their scheduled naps! We got home around 9pm, just in time for baths, bottles and bed. :) Tomorrow we have plans to go to my friends' daughter's birthday party. I'm hoping the babies behave there as well, they seem to really like when there's a lot of commotion, people, and things to look at!
And now I'll leave you with our first holiday family photo, taken at Jeff's parents' house: