Tuesday, March 8, 2011


So much for my once a week post, huh? Here are some videos of the babies that I took about 2 weeks ago. Jozlynn saying "Mama", Jeffrey saying "Dada" and Jozlynn 'talking' to Jeffy.

I think my favorite part of the 3rd video is the fact that they both stopped jabbering as soon as Jeff pulled out the camera. Then once I said, "Act like you're not being video-taped and do what you were doing." they started it back up again. Guess they understood me!

I thought for sure Jozlynn was teething because she hasn't been acting like her normal bubbly self, but so far I haven't seen any more teeth. Jeffrey's up to 4 teeth now and I can feel the 5th one just under his gumline. I'm willing to bet it'll be in within the next few days.

Not much else is going on around here. Jeff leaves to do the 'car swap' this Friday. I'm worried about him driving by himself, but excited about the new (to us) car. I've been feeling kind of anxious and nervous the past couple weeks just anticipating this, and will definitely breathe a sigh of relief once he is back home on Monday.

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