Wednesday, February 2, 2011

7 Months Old!! (& Once a Week Challenge)

I am a terrible blogger. When was the last time I updated this? Over a month ago! So many things have happened in the past month but for one reason or another I just never find the time to jump on here and post something. I guess I spend too much time dinking around on Facebook, etc. Oh well...

Happy 7 months Jozlynn and Jeffrey! I honestly cannot believe how big they're getting! Here is their "7 Month" photo:

Updates! Both babies have 2 teeth now. Yep. They're turning into little children right before our eyes! Jeffrey started teething something fierce right after New Years, and on January 6 his first tooth popped through! A mere 2 days later and his second one was already in as well. Man, that was FAST! He was terribly crabby and fussy in the few days leading up to his tooth cutting: Waking in the middle of the night screaming, grabbing at his mouth, etc. Baby Orajel was constantly on hand and a couple nights we gave him Motrin just so he'd sleep OK. It was so sad to see him in that much pain!! I told my mom about it and she said when I was a baby she never even knew I was teething, she just looked in my mouth one day and there were some teeth! So, a week later (January 15) I peeked in Jozlynn's mouth and wouldn't you know - one tooth was already in and the second one was just popping through as well! She didn't act any differently (although, like most babies she has been drooly since she was 2 months old). Like mother like daughter I guess!

Jeffy, who had been fussing a little bit prior to this photo, 
is seen here modeling his new "chompers", and so is Daddy!

In "milestone news", both babies have been sitting up unassisted fairly regularly. They love to be on their bellies and will wiggle to get something but haven't mastered full crawling yet. If they want to wait until their first birthday before becoming completely 'mobile', that is perfectly fine with me!

Such a big boy!

In sleep news, we are completely done with overnight bottles. Part of this was probably related to the fact that they were sharing a room and when Jozlynn would wake up at say...4am, Jeffrey would wake up too and then I'd just give in and feed them knowing they'd inevitably go right back to sleep. (Going back and forth between cribs and replacing pacis for over an hour was just NOT cutting it...) Anyway, we have them in separate rooms now. Jeffy slept all the way through the night the first night, 9pm to 9am - just as I envisioned he would. Jozlynn woke at 4:30am and I let her cry for 3 minutes, gave her a paci, that worked for a few minutes, then I waited 5 minutes, gave her a paci, which worked for another few minutes then waited 10 minutes, gave her a paci and she FELL BACK ASLEEP until 9am! ::Hallelujah:: Believe it or not (I definitely couldn't), that was ALL it took to get her to sleep through the night. Just one night, crying a little bit - without her brother joining her in an echoing chorus to prevent her from falling back asleep. She has been sleeping through the night ever since. At first I was hesitant to split them up because all I could think was how convenient it was to go back and forth between cribs when settling them down for naps, replacing pacis, etc. but the truth is, they woke each other up all the time!! Looking back, I'm kicking myself for not agreeing to do it sooner (like, when they were 3 months old!)

Solid feedings are in full swing, and we have been giving the babies little tastes of what we're eating as well. It's always fun to see their reactions to something new. Jeff and I recently purchased highchairs for the babies, here they are modeling their new 'gear':
I love this picture, doesn't Jeffrey look so proud? "I'm a big kid!"

Well, I think I'm fresh out of things to 'blog' about so I'll end here. In the title of my post I said, "Once a Week Challenge!" I am challenging myself to do a little update every week. I'm afraid I might not have a whole lot to post about weekly so if anyone has any questions or suggestions for post topics, I'm all ears!

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